A tafsir is a genre of Islamic literature that seeks to explain the meanings of the Qur’an. Tafsirs range in scope from brief glosses on particular verses, sayings or stories to lengthy scholarly works. Read Tafsir Al Mīzbāh Quraish Shihāb by Imam Abū-l-Fadl Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī al-Shāfiʻī (died 820 CE) at your own pace and without paying for an expensive course or book. Download Tafsir Al Mīzbāh Quraish Shihāb from the websites of the author. The introduction of digital books has done a great deal to open a way for the study of hadith and tafsir. However, it has also opened a new avenue for those who have access to more resources available on line. The resource site Fataawaa.com is one of these resources being used by such people as students, parents and teachers as well as scholars (muftis). One can search through various tafsirs online including those available with each pdf file that is offered.
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